Here at 4N6XPRT Systems, we provide accident reconstruction software used to recreate the circumstances of an automobile accident. While the software itself is easy to use and analyze, it didn’t create itself. Plenty of research, hard work, and complicated mathematics went into creating what is now the best accident reconstruction software available.
A-B-G stiffness is at the heart of what makes accident reconstruction possible. It is one of the key pieces in determining how fast a vehicle was traveling at the time of the collision. In short, it is a measurement of the “stiffness” of any given vehicle.
After an accident, all we are left with is the wreckage, in the form of one or more damaged vehicles, as well as any other object involved in the crash. Let’s say, for instance, that a vehicle drives straight into a very strong wall. We should be able to tell how fast that vehicle was traveling by how damaged it is, right?
The problem is that every vehicle has a different level of stiffness, and this is where the A-B-G stiffness value comes in. Each letter refers to a slightly different bit of information about how much damage a vehicle can withstand. Together, they form a comprehensive picture of how “stiff” that vehicle is.
A vehicle with relatively low stiffness will incur more damage in a crash than one with a higher stiffness. When A-B-G stiffness is taken into account, the speed each vehicle was traveling at the point of impact can be more accurately determined in the aftermath of a crash.
While A-B-G stiffness is far from the only value taken into account, it is an invaluable measurement that has allowed us to recreate accidents with more precision than ever before. At 4N6XPRT Systems, we take these complex calculations and put them into a format that can be easily interpreted for law enforcement, insurance, and risk analysis applications.