There are a handful of automobile manufacturers that are working to make this a reality for more people. They have found a way to give drivers the opportunity to turn their cars into smartphones by incorporating new technology into the touch screens in their vehicles. General Motors Co. was the first company to take the… Read more »
Drowsy driving is a serious problem that affects tens of thousands of Americans on a yearly basis. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that drowsy driving causes more than 70,000 accidents and about 800 deaths per year. And unfortunately, this is a problem that doesn’t seem to be getting any better over time…. Read more »
The vehicles on the road today should, in theory, be the safest vehicles ever manufactured. They’re jam-packed with more safety features than we could possibly list here—and automakers continue to find new ways to put even more safety features into their vehicles every single year. Yet, despite this, you could argue that vehicles are actually… Read more »
Potholes present a major problem for millions of American drivers every year. A study done back in 2016 revealed that pothole damage costs people about $3 billion annually. Additionally, potholes put people on high alert throughout the winter and spring and can make driving an incredibly stressful experience. But fortunately, it sounds like the pothole… Read more »
The idea of self-driving cars might sound like a really cool concept to you. But the truth is that if you’re a person who suffers from motion sickness regularly—and frankly, even if you aren’t someone who normally gets motion sickness—you could be susceptible to it when riding in an autonomous vehicle. Because you won’t have… Read more »
Most of the cars, trucks, and SUVs that are on the market today are jam-packed with all kinds of great technology designed to keep drivers safe and help them along their path. From GPS systems to driver alert systems, there are so many different bells and whistles that come standard in most vehicles. But could… Read more »
Forensic evidence is obtained by scientific methods to be usable in court. Specifically, physical evidence and detailed measurements collected from the scene of a crime or accident may prove to be the only evidence prosecutors will have or need if there were no witnesses. Forensic information, for instance, can tell if a person was… Read more »
Every industry has its own take on what’s commonly referred to as alphabet soup. From the NIH to the FBI, the NBA to CNN, we can’t seem to escape the long lists of sometimes confusing acronyms. In the field of forensics, one of the most talked about organizations is the ABFDE, or the American… Read more »
Here at 4N6XPRT Systems, we provide accident reconstruction software used to recreate the circumstances of an automobile accident. While the software itself is easy to use and analyze, it didn’t create itself. Plenty of research, hard work, and complicated mathematics went into creating what is now the best accident reconstruction software available. A-B-G stiffness… Read more »
A car accident can change your life in the matter of a second; you could be in pain for a very long time. It is important to have all of the facts that you can to handle the situation in the smartest way possible. There are several myths when it comes to car accidents that we plan… Read more »