There are about 6 million car accidents that take place in the U.S. every year. If you’ve ever been involved in one, you know what a traumatic experience it can be. And it can be especially difficult for people to process a crash when they don’t feel as though the accident was their fault. If… Read more »
Every industry has its own take on what’s commonly referred to as alphabet soup. From the NIH to the FBI, the NBA to CNN, we can’t seem to escape the long lists of sometimes confusing acronyms. In the field of forensics, one of the most talked about organizations is the ABFDE, or the American… Read more »
Here at 4N6XPRT Systems, we provide accident reconstruction software used to recreate the circumstances of an automobile accident. While the software itself is easy to use and analyze, it didn’t create itself. Plenty of research, hard work, and complicated mathematics went into creating what is now the best accident reconstruction software available. A-B-G stiffness… Read more »