If you’ve ever watched “procedural dramas” on TV, like “CSI,” you have probably heard of the term “forensics.” Using a scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past, which is then used in a court of law, helps determine what happened and, ideally, who/what was responsible for the crime, or, in some cases,… Read more »
Is Your Small Car Making You Less Safe?
None of us like to see car accidents. They are a leading cause of death and injury, and a part of modern life that we would all love to see disappear. At the same time, our car accident reconstruction programs, along with insurance records and crash tests, can give us valuable information to make driving… Read more »
Software for Car Insurance Investigators
Insurance companies like to collect people’s money rather than give money out. If an insurance company is always rewarding people with large monetary settlements, they’re likely to go out of business. When vehicles are involved in accidents the question always arises: “Who or what was responsible for the damage?” Then the question morphs into,… Read more »
5 Reasons to Order Expert AutoStats for Accident Investigations
Modern technology has done it again! In addition to the newest version of Expert AutoStats, your organization can soon benefit from 3D laser scanning tools. These tools improve accuracy and can help professionals investigate the cause of the accident completely. Currently, the software and the Leica Scanstation PS15 work together in synergy to… Read more »
How do most Car Accidents Occur?
Why do car accidents occur? Well, it’s typically a combination of four factors with the behavior of the driver generally being paramount. If you’ve ever received one speeding ticket, you’re not alone. By the time you get two or three in a short time period, you’ll probably end up sitting in a classroom all… Read more »
What is a VIN Number?
Here at 4N6XPRT Systems, we provide VIN DeCoder services to assist law enforcement agencies, insurance departments, and risk analysts in gathering important information about a vehicle. Our involvement in a case often becomes a crucial turning point. But what makes the VIN number of a vehicle so important? Many people don’t even know what… Read more »
What exactly are VIN codes?
Your car’s VIN or Vehicle Identification Number, is unique to your car. It is a series of letters and numbers that act as your car’s fingerprint. VIN’s track changes in ownership, problems with the car, and help to stop theft. VINs can also help you find out about the history of a used car…. Read more »
Common Causes of Car Accidents
Car accidents seem to be almost a rite of passage. Everyone that you know has been in a minor fender bender at least once since they were 16 years old. Car accidents are incredibly preventable however, we listed below some of the most common causes of car accidents and how/why they can occur… Read more »
How to Understand and Interpret VIN Codes
The VIN code (vehicle identification number) on a vehicle is vitally important, and each part of the code means something. The numbers and letters of the VIN code tell the vehicle’s story and history. This code also tells where the car was made, who made it, and gives information about the engine. For those… Read more »
4 Important Safety Features to Look for in Vehicles
In the past, we’ve covered the importance of purchasing a car with a 5-star safety rating. In the event of an accident, you want to ensure that you’re as safe as possible, while in a potentially deadly situation. Well, as all things go, not every car has a 5-star crash test rating, and not everyone… Read more »