A point cloud model of a 2024 Chevy Traverse

What Are Point Cloud Models?

Technology continually evolves over the years, offering us new tools that enhance precision and clarity. This is especially true in the world of forensic analysis and accident reconstruction. One such technological advancement is the point cloud model. These are utilized across various fields and have become particularly influential in reconstructing vehicular accidents. Let’s take a… Read more »

Car display and rear view camera. Parking assistant inside car. Video parking system in modern car.

Modern Safety Features That Make Driving Safer

The major advancements in technology we’ve seen over the past few decades have allowed vehicles manufacturers to make their products safer. Modern cars are equipped with an array of advanced systems designed to prevent accidents and protect passengers. These innovations range from assisting with visibility to automating certain driving tasks, significantly enhancing road safety. Here’s… Read more »

A young man holds the wheel in the correct manner while driving down an open road

What Every Motorist Should Know About Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is more than just a set of skills – it’s proactive approach to navigating the roads safely. When you understand and practice defensive driving, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer experience for everyone on the road. Here’s what every driver should know about this crucial philosophy: Understanding… Read more »

Driver at the wheel of the car

How You Can Prepare for Safe Travel This Holiday Season

The holiday season is fast approaching and that often means long-distance travel to reunite with family and friends. These journeys can be filled with anticipation and happiness, but they also require careful preparation to ensure safety on the road. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare for a safe and smooth driving experience… Read more »

Moose In The Middle of Busy Park Road

Tips for Driving Safe in Areas with Active Wildlife

Taking a drive through an area rich in wildlife can be a beautiful visual experience. However, it does pose some unique challenges and risks. Areas where animals frequently cross the road are hotspots for vehicle-wildlife collisions, which can result in serious damage to your vehicle, harm to the animal, and even injury to you. Here… Read more »

Car mechanic replacing with pouring oil into engine

The Danger of Skipping an Oil Change

Oil changes are a routine, but occasionally inconvenient aspect of owning a vehicle. However, the significance of changing your car’s oil at recommended intervals cannot be overstated. Oil is the lifeblood of your engine – neglecting to replace it can lead to severe consequences both in terms of the performance of your vehicle and your… Read more »

Lightnings and storm over forest at night.

Why Thunderstorms Present Some Driving Danger

Everyone who’s driven through a thunderstorm knows just how daunting it can be. The rain, the wind, the lightning, the total lack of visibility – these factors all combine to make driving as stressful as possible. Not only that, but they significantly increase the risk of an accident. And that’s the last thing you want…. Read more »