Expert TireStuf®

This program contains menu-selected information on what a particular tire size designation represents, a glossary of terms related to tires, indications of problems from varying kinds of tire wear, a calculation of revolutions per mile for a given tire size, and the significance of the DOT codes.

This program costs $85.00 (U.S.) plus Shipping & Handling. Programs shipped to a California Address also require California Sales Tax to be paid.

This program does not currently work natively in a 64-bit operating system

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® Denotes a Trademark registered with the USP& TO. All of the program materials are copyrighted under U.S. and International Law. The programs are licensed to a single registered user . They may be installed on Three (3) single station/single user computers computers concurrently. Installation on a network computer for corporate/entity wide use at multiple locations is a violation of the licensing. An example of the three installations for a private consultant would be:

  • 1 at the office/workplace
  • 1 at the home of the registered user
  • 1 on a portable/laptop to be used in the field or in court {by the registered user}

The Registered User may be the owner or an employee of that owner, so long as only one person can access the program at a time.